Monday, August 25, 2008

Partner Gatekeepers To Prospect Customers

Selling to gatekeeper is the 1st step in the selling process.

Professional salespeople do not just seek appointments through gatekeepers. They sell the need for the appointment to gatekeepers. Selling appointments to gatekeepers is where the sales begin. When selling appointments, the goal is to interest the gatekeepers, to excite them, to win them and to always keep them on your side with warm partnership.

If prospecting is hard, getting pass gatekeepers could be worse. This is particularly upsetting for young salespeople just starting out in the sales profession. Without connections and new to prospects, being refused by secretaries, assistants and deputies is hard to take. It is so near and yet so far. Gatekeepers appear particularly enthusiastic in keeping their bosses away from salespeople. To get pass them, some advocate sweet talk, promises of rewards; some try to gate crash, other just persist. Not easy, not effective, not productive.

Then, there are the major customers who just do not deal with any salespeople who comes their way. Their time is jealously guarded by the gatekeepers.In fact, the higher up he is like to be in an organization and the tougher are the gatekeepers.

Yet in order to even have a chance of making a sale, one must first be able to work with the gatekeepers.

To Be Continued....

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