Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Interest The Gatekeepers

Many salespeople treat gatekeepers as obstacles. Their aim is to get over them as fast as possible.

Not with sales professionals. Instead sales professionals treat them as the first level of selling. They don't just make the appointment. Instead, they sell the sppointment to the gatekeepers.

Therefore, instead of talking about bosses, their immediate focus is on the gatekeepers. they seek to interest the gatekeepers about the company and themselves. To these sales professionals, getting the gatekeepers interested is the first important step.

There are many benefits to this approach. The first appointments normally go through the gatekeepers. the first impression is very important. You just got to get their interest.

With interest, gatekeepers are likely to be more supportive.

There are other reasons for the need to interest gatekeepers.

If I am a salesperson then everyone is my customer. That includes gatekeepers. So I believe that you should not ignore gatekeepers because who knows if one day they may themselves become your customers.

To be continued...

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