Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Excite The Gatekeepers

With gatekeepers interested, sales professionals go one step further. The seek to excite the gatekeepers, gettting them to talk, hoping to learn more about the customers from the conversation with the gatekeepers.

I believe that the key to doing this is to recognize the gatekeeper's role in the company. Gatekeepers are expected to source information and offer advice to their bosses. Bosses want to secure the greatest possible benefits in their purchases, yet they seek to meet only the smallest number of people. Sales professionals can help gatekeepers to fulfill this role by providing the desired information.

If a sales person doesn't do this well, then the gatekeeper may not even be motivated to talk. Without the necessary information, what should the gatekeeper say to their bosses?

This is why we believe that things start moving when the gatekeepers believe that they have a piece of information that will not only bring benefits to the company, but also make the gatekeepers look good. Basically, you should tell the gatekeeper who you are, the valuable information you have for them and how their company will mis an opportunity if they do not pass the information to their bosses.

The gatekeeper's role is to sources for information for their bosses. We not only respect that but get them excited about this important role they play. This works both ways. By exciting the gatekeepers, sales professionals are able to exchange information about their potential customer with the gatekeepers. Even a casual conversation can deliver valuable information, such as the likes and dislikes of the customer.

The aim is to make the gatekeeper so intensely interested that they talk more. With more talking, salespeople learn more. Also, with engaging conversations, gatekeepers are likely to be more curious to know more. Often, in the desire to satisfy their curiosity, they will be tempted to push their bosses to see the salesperson. In this way, the first meeting is secured.

To be continued...

Stay Tuned and feel free to visit my website for more sales ideas.

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