Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Win Over The Gatekeepers

However, this is not the end of the connection with gatekeepers. In fact, it is only the beginning. Assuring them that a product will bring benefits to the company is only part of the story. Having secured an appointment, sales professioonals now try to win over the gatekeepers.

In today's competitive world, even gatekeeper know that many products are similar. It is the personal enthusiasm of a salesperson that can make the difference to the gatekeepers. And winning over the gatekeepre with such personal enthusiasm could influence the gatekeeper's preference over others.

One of my friend whom I met in a conference suggests: Salespeople could invite the gatekeeper for lunch or perhaps delivering to the gatekeeper a small gift; a birthday card, for example, as a token of appreciation. However, winning over the gatekeepers goes beyond superficial aactions. It involves approaching them with the right attitude, so as to be the one truly preferred by the gatekeepers. Winning the respect of gatekeepers is the key to winning them. When you have become the gatekeeper's preference, they will prefer to call you first, tell you first and even warn you first.

In one of those programs I went to, in a sharing exercise, someone told me this: "I treat gatekeepers as advisors. For example, they may advise on the best time for appointments. We need to get their advice, but more importantly to gain their respect."

To be continued....

Until then, stay tuned and visit to grab your copy of sales tips...

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