As a sales professional, we meet, speak, sell to many different types of people everyday. None of them have the same decision making process, thinking or character. In order for you to become a better closer, you need to understand the differenet personality types and to understand how do they make decisions.
I am a certified psychometrist and have been through few training how to deal with different people. I would like to share with you some simple personality types of customers you will face.
Once you have understand the different distinct types, you are able to place your customers in the category they belong to and respond better to them.
1. Dominants (D)
These are the people who has high control desire and independence. In negotiations, they tend to keep information to themselves, identify the other person's weakness and exploit that weakness for personal gain. they focus on the bottom line, which to them is winning. Dominants want to make their own conclusion or decisions instead of being led to it. They tend to talk more than they listen.
2. Influencers (I)
Influencers are very much like Dominants. They are assertive and have a need for autonomy. However, they are "softer" and have a great need for recognition and acceptance. They love to talk and will provide a great deal of information about their needs. They do not try to win at your expense because of their need to be liked. In negotiations, they rely very much on gut feel and impulsive decisions, which sometimes sours their long term satisfaction with a deal. They, more than the other 3 types in this list are susceptible to buyer's remorse.
3. Steady Relaters (S)
Steady Relaters want to maintain working relationships and aviod conflicts as much as possible and at all costs. They control their negative emotions so as not to offend people. Like Influencers, they have a need to be liked and to build relationships. However, they are far less assertive and impulsive. because change make them feel uncomfortable, they are usually more skeptical about new ideas, products and proceures. They do make decisions. But, these decisions tend to be abit too long to wait.
4. Compliants (C)
Compliants are risk averse and moticated by security. They are the people who needs to know everything about the product or services they are considering to buy. Because of their great need of protection and their underlying insecurity, they continually seek reassurance that they are doing the right stuffs. They focus on details, making sure everything works the way it should and do not like surprises. They make their decisions slowly and systematically, weighing all criteria. Because of their insecurity and reassurance, they will ask for more inforamtion during the sales call than the Dominants or Influencers.
Now that you know the 4 types of personality. It is time to remember them and learn to learn with different personality types when you are doing a sales call, attending a sales meeting or doing a sales presentation.
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
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