It is exciting to pick up the telephone to call buyers who are waiting to hear from you. We bet you could make these calls all day, everyday, and with your eyes closed. You don’t need advice to help you with this seller’s dream. You do need this list for the kind of prospecting most salespeople would rather not do, cold calling. Some salespeople see an impending cold call as a threat to their self-esteem; others see it as an opportunity to make money. Look for at least one idea in this list to help you overcome your reluctance to make cold calls, and turn threats into opportunities.
1. Recognize that you will need to make some finite number of dead-end calls before the next positive response
You have no idea what that number is. It might be one, this next call. Or it might be 50, and this next call will reduce the number to 49. Either way, you are always getting nearer to a good response or Yes. So pick up the phone and make that call.
2. Build rewards into your day for achieving milestones
Once you achieve each milestone like making 25 calls, do something that you like to reward yourself. Whether it is reading the favorite section of the newspaper, go out for some ice cream or call up a friend to plan your weekend.
3. When the last call was a real bummer, use a prescribed routine to get beyond it
Maybe it is a cup of coffee, reading a page in a favorite book, going outside for fresh air, or a few moments of prayer. Get back to the phone within 15 minutes.
4. View the next call as your first call of the day
Even though it may be 3 pm, assume you have made no calls yet today. Imagine the one coming up is your first. Be as fresh and energetic as you were at the start of the day.
5. View the next call as the one that will decide whether you can pay your bills
Be sure to call this person who is waiting to put money in your pocket.
6. View the next call as an opportunity to help someone solve a problem
You have got a great job. Your job allows you to help people relieve their pain. Get busy so that you can find someone who needs you and your product.
7. Practice positive mental imaging
Try this sequence:
Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
Relax your body
Picture in your mind the smile that was on your face when the last buyer accepted your proposal
Exhale slowly keeping this picture in your mind
Put that same smile on your face
8. Recall your favorite positive affirmations
Woody Allen said, “Eighty percent of success is simply showing up.” General George S. Patton said, “I don’t measure a man by how high he climbs but by what he does after he falls down.”
9. Picture your competitor sitting at a phone about to dial that number
Don’t wait another second. Your competitor has this buyer in mind too. And if you don’t dial the number, your competitor may dial the number faster than you do and get the sale.
10. Think about the cold calls that resulted in meetings and in sales
You have got rejections, but you also have successes. Think about the cold calls that confirmed your belief in yourself and the product.
11. Next to your telephone, post the running total of the sale volume that’s resulted from cold calls
Calculate the sales you have generated throughout your career that can be traced to an initial phone call. Keep that number next to your telephone and tell yourself that you are going to increase the number. Pump it up every time you have another success.
12. Post your current year sales to date and current year sales goal
Successful salespeople have vivid and specific goals. Stop focusing on your reluctance to call and start focusing on the likelihood this call will get you closer to your goal. When it does, update your numbers. What you focus is what you will achieve. Focus on that numbers you want to achieve and the reasons why you want to achieve that numbers.
13. Hone your appointments-getting skills
Become so good with the tactics to get through the gatekeepers and setting appointments so that you can speak to more buyers and set more appointments. More appointments is equivalent to having more opportunities to close a deal
14. Stop trying to change the rules of the game
Don’t kid yourself. Selling is a number game. The faster and the more people you speak to will bring you to a nearer Yes. Do not even try to change the rules. You cannot beat the natural law.
15. Imagine that you are only paid for your performance. You make money only when you make a sale or keep a current customer happy
Do not be complacent just because you have a basic salary. Try imagining that you are only paid for what you closed. Try to live on only your commission and take that basic salary of yours as a bonus.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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