Tuesday, February 12, 2008

6 Tips For Selling To A Steady Relater

Steady Relaters (SR) have a passive approach to problems. This does not mean that they are weak, uninterested or martyrs. They do take a position, but they are neither forceful nor demanding in expressing it. As the term steady implies, these buyers take a measured and balanced approach to conflict and negotiation. They project an unassuming and amiable style. What they may lack in passion they make up for diligence. They are patient and persistent. Nonverbally, they project an openness and non judgmental quality. If the buyer sitting accross you fits this profile, use the following tips:

1. Reflect the buyer's communication style

SRs listen attentively and focus on what you have to say. Their body posture and gestures convey an openness and willingness to discuss. Show them the same. Maintain eye to eye contact. Position your body to see and hear as much as possible.

2. Demostrate a sincere interest

Social bonding is important to SRs. They care and want to know you do the same. Ask about hobbies, family and personal interests. Listen to their answers and comment. Share your personal interests, but only after attending to theirs.

3. Be patient

If you give the impression of trying to impose your agenda or close the sale, SRs will back off. They need to set a measured pace based on their own internal clock. Match you pace with them.

4. Demostrate trust for you and your product/service

The instincts of SRs are to be loyal to you. Give them reasons to see you as a worthy person and to judge your product as dependable.

5. Limit the focus of analysis

SRs like to focus their attention on one particular aspect of your product. Help them gain this focus and at the same time, control the agenda by saying something like, "Given your current concerns and your analytical approach to buying, I think you would be most interested in focusing on . It that right?"

6. Do not mistaken passivity as weakness

SRs are not wimps. They will be as thorough as other buyers. You will have to be as sharp with them as with anyone else. They simply call for a different communication style.

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